Copyright ©Y i Run Silicone Co.,Ltd. all rights reserved
粤ICP备19161614号   Powered

+86 752 3620489 / 3522761



Dongtaiheng Industrial Zone, Changbu, Xinxu Town, Huiyang District, Huizhou city, China


Company Culture

xg silicone
XG Silicone Vision:
Become a leader in the ink industry
XG Silicone Mission:
Provide customers with envionmentally safe products,but also a world of blue sky and white clouds
XG Silicone Values:
Customers:customer-centric, Continuous Creation of unique value for customers
Emploees:Accomplish employees and create better benefits for employees
Thanksgiving:proud of thanksgiving,shameful ungratefulness.
XG Silicone Core Philosophy:
Working philosophy:be realistic and pragmatic and dare to take on the responsibility
Quality concept:quality is th life of the company
Safetyconcept:safety is the day,compliance work
Service concept:Attitude is everything,and service iss attentive.